EMYNOS at the ECER AAC 11th Edition
EMYNOS participated in the 11th edition of the Eastern and Central European Regional Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ECER AAC) Conference which took place on July 4-6, 2017, at the University of Bucharest, Romania.
The event is a platform for exchanging experience between specialists from countries with a long tradition in using AAC and professionals who have just started out implementing it, in order to provide equal opportunities in communication for persons with special needs. It gathered AAC professionals, AAC users and their caregivers, teachers, students, representatives of educational authorities and NGOs that are interested in special need education.
The event was a great opportunity to present The Assistive Technology Platform of the EMYNOS system aimed at providing support for persons with different types of disabilities: Augmentative and Alternative Communication users, motor disabled Assistive Technology users, blind and low vision users, deaf and hard of hearing users. It was shown how the Platform enabled access to the EMYNOS system with the use of different Assistive Technology devices and software, thereby allowing them to establish an emergency call and to send/receive voice, text and video messages and to send user’s disability profile information to PSAP.