Pilot in Ankara
The EMYNOS project has underlined the effective use of satellite infrastructure for emergency communications. Accordingly, as part of Turkish pilots EMYNOS developed and demonstrated an initial fail-over use case scenario, when all other communication networks were assumed to be not operational. Based upon this scenario, a cross-country emergency call using VSAT (Very-small-aperture terminal) has been established between TURKSAT and TEIC. Furthermore, a second scenario for public warning system over satellite, thanks to which end users that are using satellite to receive TV transmission can receive warning message over satellite, has been achieved. A third scenario for warning acknowledgment system over mobile-government applications as a warning system extension has also complemented these innovative scenarios. All these three scenarios have been publicly demonstrated on 23.11.2017, in Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University (AYBU), as the project pilot showcase.
Based upon the recorded data (participant list) and our observations, we can say that 60-70 participants attended particularly to our demonstration delivered as a special session in ICEBEG2017 (and its parallel conference SOSBILKO2017). Among these 30-40 people were academicians from universities from Turkey and abroad, 10-15 from different departments of government agencies, and the remaining ones were students. Some of the participants from academy and government that we know are authorities in the related fields in their institutions and countries. Many others were potential end-users or key people that could connect us with them.
The feedbacks for the public demo were mostly positive and encouraging. For instance, the potential end-users have found the system ‘easy to use’, as noted by them in the completed surveys. The academicians were eager to learn more on the project results (personal communications and observations). The students called the events ‘a must see’ by everyone in the university (from the feedbacks for the AYBU course on managing information systems projects). There was also certain media coverage. Currently, we are in the process of follow-ups to pave the way for more tangible and sustainable results.