Successful Workshop on "Next Generation Emergency Services" during TEMU 2016

This week the EMYNOS workshop on ‘Next Generation Emergency Services’ took place on Crete, Greece. The workshop provided a forum for researchers and industry partners to keep track of the work progress within this field by addressing in particular issues such as security and privacy, integration of social media, and extensions of eCall. Panel discussions were held and several projects were presented. This was all organized during the bi-annual International Conference on Telecommunications & Multimedia (TEMU).

The following topics were discussed in the panels:

·         What are the obstacles for an IP deployment with regard to Emergency Services?

·         What is preventing Emergency Services from accepting emergency calls via the internet?

·         How could the Internet of Things be usefully integrated in Emergency Services?

Besides the panel discussions, several key note talks were held. One key note talk that stood out was by Prof. Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University, on ‘Standardisation and Implementation of NG911 in US’. Another interesting key note was given by Ed Parsons from Google, on ‘Advanced Mobile Location: Google's perspectives and implementation’ regarding Google’s new service for Android phones Emergency Location Service.

The current status and perspectives of several projects related to Emergency Services were also presented. Among these: EPISECC, COncORDE and NEXES. More information on the projects can be found on the dedicated project websites.

Watch the report made by Creta News for Greek television, in Greek, on the EMYNOS workshop here.

EMYNOS was also recently presented at the latest PSCE conference in Brussels, Belgium. PSCE is a partner in the EMYNOS project and hosts biannual Conferences, gathering crisis managers and first responders from across Europe. Read about the presentation at the PSCE conference here.

The official Press release is available here.