In March 2016, EMYNOS participated in the first Next Generation Emergency Services Plugtests event, organised by the ETSI Emergency Telecommunications special committee (EMTEL) and the European Emergency Number Association (EENA). The technical report from the Plugtests event has now been published and is publicly available.
The main objective of the event was to test all components of the 112 communication technology based on Next Generation networks. Participants looked at different aspects, including Location Based Emergency Call Routing, Policy Based Emergency Call Routing, and Next Generation Media Types.
The Plugtests event was open to companies from around the world and allowed them to test their equipment and solutions on-site at the ETSI headquarters in Sophia-Antipolis, France, as well as remotely from their own labs. The Plugtests event resulted in more than 100 test pairings conducted over 4 days, between 14th and 18th March.
Since the event was open to a broad range of vendors, the maturity of the tested technology was not equal. The event in particular welcomed newcomers with prototype implementations. However, the prototypes sometimes did not support all features and so the vendors used the event as an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the basic standards. At the end of the event it was concluded that several similar Plugtest events would be necessary to bring all NG112 vendors up to the same level of technology maturity and interoperability.
The Technical Report from the ETSI and EENA Plugtests is available here.